Marissa’s Transformation Story!

Mallory has been an incredible motivator. I never realized how important it was to track my macros. She helps me understand why and how, not just giving me number to hit every week but the importance behind it. I couldn’t have done this without her. I quietly thank her every time I push through a rough workout or squeeze into those cute jeans!

I started coaching Marissa about a year ago! We started by focusing on consistency in her diet. That meant eating enough calories to support her fat loss goals, while also eating enough to fuel her workouts and lifestyle. She already had amazing discipline in the gym, we just needed to get her nutrition to match.

First, I took her through a fat loss phase. Through weekly checkins I’m able to keep an eye on her biofeedback such as hunger, energy levels, her performance in the gym as well as her sleep patterns and recovery. The goal is always to have my clients eating as much as possible, while getting results.

Currently we’re working on a strength building phase! That means slowly bringing calories out of her deficit week to week so that we can get her eating enough for optimal muscle gains. She’s hitting PR’s in the gym and her body composition continues to show just how strong she IS!

Your nutrition should enhance your life and Marissa’s journey is a prime example of that. Over this past year, she’s also had several trips with her family, vacations and holidays yet has been able to learn how to navigate those situations while still feeling her best.

I’m excited to see where this next phase takes her, she’s already crushing some serious goals with her back-squat and deadlift. You go girl!!


She was kind enough to share her story, make sure to check it out below..

How long you’ve been tracking with Flex Fuel?
I started my journey with Flex Fuel January 1st, 2021.Goal when you signed up for our program: My goal was to lose some body fat and change the composition of my body. I wanted to grow my glutes and shrink my waist.

Do you feel like you’ve been successful with this?
Absolutely! I was shocked at how my body changed so rapidly when tracking my macros.

How has this program improved your health/fitness? 
I have always been a very healthy person but after my routine blood work my doctor was in awe over my results. I had zero inflammation in my body, my body fat was down, muscle mass had increased tremendously. My doctor said I was the model patient!!  I couldn’t have done it without Mal!!

Before signing up, what were you doing to make progress in this area?
I have always been an avid gym goer, so having the help from Mal just increased my workouts. I am hitting PR’s that I never thought I could hit, I have less knee and joint pain, I tend to recover faster than before and I’m sleeping 7-8 hours a night.

If you never signed up for our coaching, what would you be doing now? 
I would still be frustrated with not seeing the results I expected. I would work out 5-6 days a week with not a lot of change. After starting with Flex Fuel I saw enormous changes to my body composition and I felt better!

What are measurable ways you’ve had progress over the last 12 months?
Over the last 12 months my body fat went from 22% down to 16% and muscle mass was up from 58 lbs to 63 lbs.


Francie’s Transformation Story