Holly’s Transformation Story

“2020 has taught me you can do anything you choose to do if you show up for yourself.” -Holly

How long you’ve been tracking with Flex Fuel: Since July 27, 2020

Goal during the program: Overall improved health and redefining body composition.

“I have thought a lot about what I lost in 2020. As I look back on this year I am thankful. It has been a year of mental and emotional healing more so than about weight loss. Breaking perfectionist tendencies. Breaking negative self talk habits. Breaking away from living up to other peoples expectations. 

I grew up in an environment where I heard that I was fat, sloppy and no good every day of my life. I was damaged by 16 and had resigned myself to those standards. I accepted the fact that I was, and would always be, the non-athletic, chubby kid. 2020 has shown me you can do anything you choose to do. 

I am grateful for the things I gained in 2020. I have surrounded myself with optimistic driven people at the gym. People who don’t focus on societies unhealthy standards of health and beauty. I have learned to speak positively about myself. I have learned it’s okay to fail. I have learned that it’s never too late to change. I have learned that you are never too old to do what you want to do. Most importantly, I learned to show up for myself. 

 How appropriate that I just read that “my past is not a reflection of my future.” I am excited to see where my journey with Mallory and FlexFuel nutrition takes me in 2021!”

This weeks client highlight is all about Holly. You can see from the heading of this post that 2020 has been a year of transformation for her, on so many levels.

I had several conversations with Holly prior to her signing up for coaching, she was nervous. Not nervous for the work that comes along with focusing on a lifestyle change but nervous about failing. She worried that even with her best efforts, she would fall short and never get to that happy place where she felt really good in her own skin. She was afraid she wouldn’t be able to stick to it and would fall back into old habits. I see this a lot as a coach, we all have a past that has molded us into who we are today. Maybe you’ve tried every diet in the book with little success and its crippled your self confidence. Or maybe you grew up in an environment that wasn’t a super positive one and don’t think you’re capable. Maybe you’ve faced some really big hardships along the way that makes you question your worth and whether you deserve success.

Everyone deserves success if they want it. You can feel healthy and strong. You can improve your confidence. You can change your path. Just because the things you’ve tried in the past didn’t quite work for you, doesn’t mean you give up. When we face our fears head on, when we challenge our insecurities, when we are really clear on what we want and not afraid to put in the work, YOU CAN do anything.

Its been so rewarding for me as Holly’s coach to watch her journey. Not only do I get the opportunity to see her strength improve in the gym, the woman I talk to now each week on her check in day is not the same Holly I talked to back in July. Her confidence radiates from her because she found a plan that works for her. She committed to the process (by the way, she knew NOTHING about tracking macros when she started) and has given it her all week to week. Our plan taught her about food freedom and not to fear snacks. We helped her gain confidence in how to tackle social situations (like dinners out) and how to fuel her hikes so she feels able to really give her all, we talked a lot recently about how to handle the holidays and come out feeling really good. In our time together she improved her body composition and hit her goals but the transformation of her spirit has been the most rewarding to watch. Heading into 2021 we’ll be chatting about some new milestones to aim for and I’m excited to see where her journey continues to lead.


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